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Kings & Queens of
Royal Savannah Exotics
**Recently Retired**
Our beloved sweet Pixel is a gorgeous and dear Snow Savannah, F3a with Bengal/Serval background. She consistently produces both spotted and marble patterns in a variety of exquisite colors. Her compassionate side runs deep and she passes on those traits to her babies. Her favorite thing in the world is being a mommy as she takes so much pride in her kittens and loves them unconditionally.

Queen Paisley is one of Savannah Exotics own creations from Queen Pixel and King Picasso. She is the sister of Queen Barbie, is a gorgeous brown spotted F4a Savannah. She has some of the most vibrant colored kittens and is a wonderful mother. The trust she has with us has been earned and we truly cherish her!

Queen Barbie is Savannah Exotics own pride and joy of Queen Pixel and King Picasso. She is a stunning Brown Spotted F4a Savannah who generally has 3-4 stunning kittens per litter. She has birthed beautiful spotted babies in a variety of colors. She is most definitely the most vocal of our crew, she will make sure you know she would like to conversate at all times.

King Ice is our own fertile Silver F4a Savannah, fathered by Savannah
F3STB "Safari" and STB Egyptian Mau "Gauguin." He is magnificent with body confirmation and personality that have consistantly produced our finest traits. If purring and drooling on you from the attention were a sport, he would be a gold medalist!

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